A part of WEgrid Solutions by WIKA, WEgrid Services offers a comprehensive suite of services for industries that rely on SF6 gas for safety and performance.

WEgrid Solutions is the global leader in all things related to SF6, especially for the power transmission and distribution industry. Our certified specialists are not only experts in products and accessories, but also have a deep understanding of the safely issues, environmental regulations, and best practices in the field of SF6 lifecycle management. Imagine getting training or product demonstrations directly from the manufacturer. For extra flexibility, we offer our services either on site or at one of our company locations.

SF6 Training and Certification

EU Regulation No. 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases stipulate training guidelines for personnel who work with SF6 gas, and the EPA strongly encourages the U.S. electric power industry to educate their employees on managing emissions in all phases of the gas’s lifecycle.

WEgrid Services is a leading trainer of installers, technicians, and maintenance personnel in the following topics:

  • Basics
  • Rules and regulations
  • Measuring gas density and humidity
  • Emissions monitoring
  • Connecting parts
  • Filling and handling equipment
  • Leak detection
  • Gas analysis
  • Gas detection

WIKA, headquartered in Klingenberg am Main, Germany, is a testing and certification body recognized by the Bavarian state office. The certified instructors at WIKA SF6 Gas Academy offer comprehensive competence training followed by an examination; all those who pass are certified across Europe. The training can take place at your location or in one of our 40-plus locations worldwide.

SF6 Consulting

For in-depth, personalized advisory and assistance, use our consulting services. WEgrid Services has an international presence with 43 subsidiaries worldwide, and our engineers and technicians offer clients innovative solutions for their specific applications. Our experienced specialists are happy to come to your location, learn your business, resolve your pain points, and implement a comprehensive plan for your gas-insulated equipment.

Commissioning and Calibrating SF6 Equipment

After purchasing WEgrid Products, you have the option of having WEgrid Services set up, connect, calibrate, and fully test the equipment. We can also train plant personnel in how to operate the new instruments. To keep your systems working safely and at peak levels, there are WEgrid Services hubs worldwide to calibrate your instruments.

Outsourcing SF6 Gas Analysis

When your plant doesn’t have the time, expertise, or staff to determine the purity of your insulating gas, contact WEgrid Services for comprehensive gas analysis service. We use non-destructive measurement methods to identify and quantify the main decomposition products of SF6 gas, even when the samples are highly corrosive. We can also detect and analyze leaks in GIE.

SF6 Equipment Repair and Maintenance

No job is too big or small. Depending on the level of work required, Wegrid Services can repair or maintain your SF6 equipment, either in our facilities or at your location. In addition, we keep spare parts in stock to reduce machine downtime.

SF6 Equipment Rental

Do you need equipment for only a specific period of time? Or perhaps you would like to try out a product before purchasing? WEgrid Services rents out a variety of instruments and units for measuring, analyzing, and handling SF6 gas. Contact us for more information.

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