Night Scene of Chemical Plant

Some shaking is expected in industrial and commercial applications, but the sensors of most industrial thermometers fail after exposure to significant vibrations. WIKA’s TR10 and TR40 resistance temperature detectors are specially designed for high-vibration environments.

Power plants and the chemical industry rely on machinery that produces considerable mechanical vibrations. Pumps, compressors, motors, and turbines all have the potential to generate acoustic vibrations, which then turn into structural vibrations. Most industrial thermometers have delicate sensors that can break and fail when exposed to such conditions.

The Pros and Cons of Various Industrial Thermometers

Thermocouples are excellent temperature sensors for a range of processes. They are vibration-resistant, cost-effective industrial thermometers with fast response times across a wide temperature range. However, while a thermocouple has good accuracy, an RTD is even more accurate. At 0°C reference, the reading tolerance of a thermocouple is ±1.1°C, whereas an RTD’s reading tolerance can be as small as ±0.15°C – dependent on the sensor type. Furthermore, some installations are not equipped for thermocouple sensor inputs.

Wire-wound RTDs are highly accurate along the entire temperature range. However, vibrations and mechanical stress can damage its extremely fine platinum wires, leading to inaccurate temperature measurements or noise in the signal output and, eventually, an open circuit. For customers, a fragile industrial thermometer means an increased frequency in sensor replacements and higher operating costs.

Thin-film RTDs are both highly accurate and vibration-resistant. They feature thin-film resistors, which consist of an extremely fine layer of metal – usually platinum but can also be copper or nickel – deposited on a ceramic base. A glass layer seals together this metal film and the wire connections. This type of industrial thermometer does not rely on long lengths of fine, brittle wires for the sensing element. Their compact size, smaller mass, and no moving parts also allow them to withstand vibrations extremely well.

Vibration-Resistant Industrial Thermometers by WIKA

TR10 Resistance Thermometer

Model TR10 RTD sensor

WIKA makes two thin-film RTDs that are ideal for high-vibration applications.

The standard TR10 RTD sensortolerates up to 6 g of force (peak to peak), and can come in an optional vibration-resistant version that tolerates up to 20 g. For a highly vibration-resistant version whose sensor tip can withstand up to 50 g, WIKA offers a special construction thin-film measuring resistor.

Vibration resistance is just one of this industrial thermometer’s many positives. The TR10 series also features:

  • A sensor that can be mounted in a thermowell or directly into the process.
  • Electrical approvals for explosion-proof hazardous locations, intrinsic safety, ingress protection, and general-purpose areas.
  • A 2-, 3-, or 4-wire configuration.
  • A variety of sheath materials, including stainless steels and other alloys that resistant corrosion and oxidation.
  • A wide temperature range, from −200°C to 600°C (−328°F to 1,112°C) for the standard model. For the vibration-proof tip, the temperature range is −50°C to 500°C (−58°F to 932°F).
  • Customization – with a choice of connector heads, insert designs, terminal blocks, transmitters, neck extensions, thread sizes, dimensions, sheath materials, certificates and approvals, and more.
TR40 Resistance Thermometer

Various configurations and types of the Model TR40 cable resistance thermometer

The TR40 cable resistance thermometerhas a metallic probe tip that is designed to be installed directly into the process or into a bored hole. As with the TR10, the TR40 has the option of a vibration-resistant probe tip that can withstand up to 20 g (vibration-resistant version) or 50 g (highly vibration-resistant version) of force. In this extremely robust version, special resistors can resist a high load – up to 100 m/s2.

WIKA offers a complete portfolio of temperature measurement solutions for a variety of processes and industries. For more information on which industrial thermometer is right for your applications, contact our temperature specialists.

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