WIKA USA specializes in providing custom temperature measurement solutions, even when that involves manufacturing, installing, and delivering two 121-foot (37 meter) pipewell assemblies. With something so long, there were certainly challenges along the way, but the WIKA Temperature Division team successfully carried out this complex project from start to finish.
How do you handle and transport pipewells that are longer than the distance from second base to home plate? The answer: very carefully, and with all hands on deck.
A customer in Freeport, Texas, ordered two 121-foot (37 meter) flanged pipewell assemblies from WIKA USA. This was an unusually big job, even by Texas standards! What’s more, the turnaround time was only five working days, as the Freeport plant was shut down and could not start back up without these two crucial components.
Building and Transporting a Very, Very Long Pipewell
The team at WIKA USA’s Temperature Division, whose manufacturing facilities are in the suburbs of Houston, hopped on the job. The project manager ordered 250 feet (76 meters) of 1.5-inch piping from a local supplier. Since the maximum length available was only 18 feet (5.5 meters), each pipewell needed seven butt welds to achieve the desired length.
That led to the first challenge. Since obstructions could prevent the Gayesco Flex-OTM flexible multipoint thermometerfrom being inserted correctly into the pipewell, the welding had to be done very carefully to make sure no filler material slipped inside the pipe. Success. An independent test laboratory X-rayed all the welds, which passed testing.
The second challenge was to transport this extensive structure from Houston to Freeport. The project manager found a truck that was long enough to securely hold the two assemblies. He then had to obtain a special transportation permit. Done and done.
The insertion process was tricky but fascinating. It was literally all hands on deck, as a long line of workers – each spaced 2 to 3 feet apart – held a length of the Flex-O™ multipoint and slowly fed it into the waiting pipewells on the factory floor. Good thing the weather cooperated, as the procession of people and multipoints extended outside. With the addition of a junction box, each assembly measured 121 feet. About 20 workers then hoisted the assembly onto their shoulders and carried each one to the waiting truck, which slowly and carefully drove the more than 60-mile (97 km) distance to reach the waiting customer. See this short video of the installation and delivery process.
Customized Temperature Measurement Solutions by WIKA USA
WIKA’s Gayesco line of temperature measurement instruments is known throughout the oil & gas industry for high performance backed by exceptional customer service. Visit the WIKA website to learn more about our comprehensive portfolio of instruments, and contact our ETM (electronic temperature measurement) experts about custom solutions for your most challenging needs.
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