Halloween is one of WIKA USA’s favorite occasions. Employees throughout the company’s divisions and locations dressed up and even cooked up a storm for the 2019 festivities.

It’s no exaggeration to say that WIKA USA employees really enjoy Halloween. Regardless of the location or work shift, people get into the spirit. A spicy twist this year was the chili cook-off at WIKA Flow Division in Mansfield, Texas.

But it’s the elaborate costumes – spooky, silly, ingenious – that really steal the spotlight each year. Imagine meeting a WWII crew wandering the corridors, Freddy Krueger haunting the manufacturing floor, or a glowing jellyfish offering project support. Employees go all out to impress colleagues with their creativity and craftsmanship – and to win fame and glory, along with a gift certificate!

WIKA USA is dedicated to producing high-quality measuring instruments, but the company is scarily serious about team-building and fun as well.

Photo captions:

  1. Winners of the Halloween costume contest at WIKA Flow (from left): Vicky Powell as a jellyfish, 1st place; Amy Shorter as “When life gives you lemons,” 2nd place; Ian Mudgett as “Just a happy guy,” 3rd place
  2. Winners of the chili cook-off at WIKA Flow: Loren White, 1st place; David “Spanky” Stephenson, 2nd place; Jonathan Tanksley, 3rd place
  3. From the Pasadena, Texas, office: David Polasek as John Hammond from Jurassic Park, Cristal Mesa as a gypsy (3rd place), Jose Balderas as Pumpkin Man, Adriana Pulido as Tall Pumpkin Monster (1st place), Jose Ramos as Scarecrow Monster (most creative), Michael Carnes as Werewolf Priest (2nd place)
  4. Group winners from the Louisiana office: Steven Fernandez, Trisha Ehlers, and George Gugich as murderers from the Purge movies
  5. The 1st place group winners from Lawrenceville dressed as a WWII military crew: Michael White, Christopher MooreNicole Violante, Mildred Quarterly, Lonnie Evans, Thu Benton, Christy Gibbs, and Andy Hartley
  6. The 2nd place group winners dressed up as a WIKA washer and dryer: Tammy Wilson and Doris Rodriguez
  7. The 3rd place group winners dressed up as Maverick and Goose from the movie Top Gun: Jerry Collier and Jonathon Clifford
  8. 1st shift, 1st place: Andrew Lu as Freddy Krueger
  9. 1st shift, 2nd place: Lorena Tavira as “IT escape from jail”
  10. 1st shift, 3rd place: Sheldon Blackwood as a scary wolf
  11. 2nd shift, 1st place: Inpanh Khanthom as a chef
  12. 2nd shift, 2nd place: Joe Gantt as Al Capone reincarnated
  13. 3rd shift, 1st place: Vincent Murphy as pharaoh

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